
Choose the plan that's best for your business


Best for lenders looking to accelerate critical document management tasks.

Unlimited licenses included.

  • Checkmark Accelerate critical document collection processes
  • AI-created fillable forms
  • Templated & customizable needs lists
  • Automated email & SMS reminders
  • Checkmark Improve customer engagement
  • Secure & user-friendly customer portal
  • Custom branding
  • In-portal customer messaging
  • Checkmark Securely streamline existing workflows
  • SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Available

Plans & Pricing FAQs

How is pricing calculated?

Pricing is comprised of 2 components:

  • Initial setup charges
  • Ongoing subscription charges, including:
    • Annual license fee (based on your plan)
    • Annual usage charges (based on the number of Returned Requests)

How much does FileInvite cost?

Pricing is customized for your organization's unique needs. Contact our sales team to learn what a plan might look like for your business.

What are Returned Requests?

Returned Requests are any returned documents, pieces of information, signed forms, or completed fillable forms.

We charge based on the number of Returned Requests as it ensures that you're only charged when you get valuable documents and information back from your customers or prospects.

How secure is FileInvite?

FileInvite meets all industry-specific security standards, which gives our customers - and their customers - peace of mind.


  • Is SOC 2 compliant
  • Is GDPR compliant
  • Regionalizes all customer data
  • Runs all sessions through a secure SSL/HTTPS connections
  • Offers customizable permissions and access controls
  • Automatically encrypts every file when stored in the cloud as well as during upload

What Customer Success and support packages are available?

Customer Success and support offerings vary based on the plan you select.

Included within our Essentials plan:

  • Product tour
  • Access to online resources
  • Access to online knowledge base and FAQS

Included within our Plus plan:

  • Product tours
  • Access to online resources
  • Dedicated CSM for setup & onboarding
  • Kick-off meeting
  • 30-day check in meeting
  • Email and phone support with 24-48 hour response time

And, of course additional Customer Success, onboarding and support packages are available.


*How do I access the Multi-signature add-on?

The Multi-signature add-on is available to customers on our Plus plan. Please reach out to your CSM if you're on an Essentials plan but would like to learn more about this capability.

Process Loans up to 6x Faster

While providing a better, faster and more collaborative experience for your staff and your customers.